
Life Stage

The Australian market can be divided into 7 Life Stages and linked to information about the area's SocioEconomic Status (SES).

Using the combination of Life Stage and SES provides marketers with information on the types of products of most interest to these households and their ability to purchase the products.

The information has been modelled from the ABS survey and census data. For people over 55+ their SES scores are based on their financial assets and education rather than income, occupation and education.

8 Life Stages

  • Mature Children still living at home (18-44 years)
  • Young Singles living alone or in grouped households (18-44 years)
  • Young Couples (18-44 years)
  • Young families - with new borns or toddlers (18-35years)
  • Middle aged families - with primary aged school children(35-44 years)
  • Mature families - with senior school aged children(45-64 years)
  • Empty Nesters (45-64 years)
  • Seniors (65+ years)

5 SocioEconomic Status levels

  • AB, C, D, E & FG